Christine de Pisan/ First Woman Writer

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C hristine de Pisan is the first woman in history to live from her literary works. So, she is the “first woman writer” of history.

Christine de Pisan was born in Italy. Her father, famous physician and astrologer, was engaged in the service of the king of France, Charles V. The whole family then moved to France.

Christine had a good education. She got married, but after having children and spending a few years with her husband, she found herself a widow. She was then forced to face and settle some financial affairs to support her children. She was a scholar: she was interested in books and also concerned about the cause of women.

Some of her works:

–  The Book of Facts and Good Manners of the Wise King Charles V, commissioned by the Duke of Burgundy Philip le Hardi in 1404.

– A Hundred Walks

– The Book of the Three Virtues in Women’s Teaching

– Lamentations about the Evils of France.

The author :

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  • Author: Rmili Fatiha
  • Translation: Rmili Fatiha
  • Release Date: 31/01/2018

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